Is It... | Teen Ink

Is It...

June 2, 2009
By Anonymous

Is It,
really that hard?
Hard to walk up to someone,
someone you like so much,
and just talk to them?
Apparently so.....

Is It,
really that easy?
Easy to walk up to somebody,
somebody you've known for years,
and just magically talk to them?
Apparently so.....

Then does it make sense?
That you like somebody,
you've known for years, but
cant get the nerve to talk to them?

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece of writing on Christmas Eve, in 2008. i was really mad because there was(and still is) this person i really really like and i've known him for years. Now, i know he knows i like him, and i also know he likes me back.... But he can never get the nerver to talk to me. i guess we both are kinda shy.

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