Words | Teen Ink


June 4, 2009
By devin shaw SILVER, Des Moines, Washington
devin shaw SILVER, Des Moines, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We write line after line

Sonnet after sonnet

For what?

To give these dead a final burial

To remember and commemorate

Petty words should not be made to do this

Words can’t do just to the men

Who gave their lives

So what?

So a few states would stay in the union

So slavery would be abolished

Just so the war would end

Not such a petty reason.

They gave their lives,

And all we can give is our words

Hardly seems fair

The families that lost their brothers


And fathers

We give you our words to give to them

What they did was something most

Could never do.

And yet we give words which we can all do.

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