Memory Lane | Teen Ink

Memory Lane

June 4, 2009
By Ivana Mata BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Ivana Mata BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from my first day of school scared to crying because I didnt like it.
From learning my ABC's and 123's.
I am from playing house in preschool to waiting for my nap.
I am from Mary Kate and Ashley movies to princess books.
I am from Ken and Barbie to rugrats.
From my Mickey Mouse blanket to a itchy pink dress.
I am from watching power rangers with my cousins.
From eating heart shaped pancakes on Saturday mornings.
I am from watching comedy shows with my grandma.
From telling jokes the next.

I am from speeding away in my little purple bike.
From falling off and scraping my knees and elbows.
I am from running around all day in the park playing tag.
From coloring on anything that I find to getting dirty with ice cream.
I am from climbing trees to falling off.
From happy meals to the toys inside.
I am from taking naps to getting mad when people woke me up.
From going to Disney World and meeting the Little Mermaid.

I am from listening to music to having a good time at a party.
From shopping for the cutest outfit to matching shoes.
I am from texting all day and watching t.v all night long.
From picking out clothes for the next day to making sure my hair is looking nice.
I am from going to the movies to coming home late.
From helping my friends with problems they have to not being able to help my self.
I am from hainging out with my friends to laughing about the dumb things we do.

I am from having a busy day to sleeping at night.
From keeping my memories locked up in a safe.
I am from hiding the key to anyone who wants it.
From having the nightmare of some body finding out.
I am from waiting for my future years to having new memories bulid up again.

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