Sijo #1 | Teen Ink

Sijo #1

March 7, 2022
By rrathje BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
rrathje BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last Light

Your face is bright enough to blind me for more days to come.

I see you, in the window, in the water, glaring at my eyes.

In a world of darkness, a light, that flickers, guiding my way.


We play with Nerf guns and hide and seek in the backyard for hours.

Push me and I will push back. That was always the deal with us.

This isn’t what I agreed to. You broke the deal when you left.


I feed you; I bathe you once or twice a month. Little troublemaker.

Come running towards the bell. Let you out to do your business.

Sleep at the edge of my bed. My ankles feel cold nowadays.

My Hero

Swings by a thread, watching out below. Catching bad guys like flies.

He’s never around when I trip on a rock or hit a pole.

Under these circumstances, I’d prefer a non-fiction hero.


I play with my little cars; they went vroom, vroom on the floor.

I build with my LEGOs, making small dogs, houses, and humans.

I liked toys a lot; that stopped when I lost someone expensive.

Picture This

Pictures are reels of film. Reliving old memories.

Videos are drugs; they give a longing for what once was good.

Unlike those, experiences are old habits that die hard.

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