My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

June 4, 2009
By Ashanti Bishop BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Ashanti Bishop BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the house on Terrace Ave/ From the family of a teacher and a firefighter/To the baby sister of two other girls/ I am from trips to grandma's house and to the park/ From the loud breakfasts of pancakes and bacon/ I am from the big blue house on the block/ From the house with many cars and broken doorbell/ And the street with the unfriendly neighbors/ From the basketball net in the driveway/ To the softball fields in the local town/ I am from the little girl who wore tutu's/ From the little girl that watched Gula Gula Island/ I am from the class with Mrs. Fidler/ From the lost friendship of Amanda/ I am from the many trips to Disney/ From the Thanksgiving Day where everyone unites/ I am from the room with the purple comforter/ From the room with the TV and posters on the wall/ I am from the house with the cute dwarf hamster/ From the house with the sisters at college/ I am from the family with the grandparents splitting/ To the family with the great-grandma dying/ I am from letdowns and suprises/ From school days and weekends/ I am from restless nights and slumber parties/ I am from the family who lived in Newark and New Jersey/ From the kitchen with the filled refrigerator/ To the future with the family of my own/ To the job and house of my dreams/ I am from the future that is still to come

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