I am from Poetry | Teen Ink

I am from Poetry

June 4, 2009
By Anonymous

I am from the Coopers & Aronowitzes
From the good ol' care-free Bronx
Now the story brings us to a boy born and raised in centeral jersey.

I am from the love and support of Eric and Phyllis
From the lawyer and former buisness woman
I am fom the hand-built house fo the previous owner
from the house with the large oopen backyard and frontyard
I am from the home-cooked meals where my mom slaved over the stove
From the basebment where all the cards and action figures call home.

I am from the room where an emotional 7 year old boy hides in fear of the punishment for breaking his parents cars' window with a baseball
From the look-alike grandpa
I am from the box with the necklace that has been passed down through the generatinos that my grandpa gave me
From the Harmony School room with Ms. Christina in it.

From the blue bedroom with the Yankees memorabilia piled high
I am from the dreams of being a master chef or baseball player in the future
From the embarrasssment of being Pikachu for Halloween in first grade
I am from the little boy who would starre at the TV for hours and hours watching Nickelodeon cartoons.

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