Down the well | Teen Ink

Down the well

June 3, 2009
By Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flashing Lights bring hollow sights
To the darkness of my mind
The cruelty of all undone deeds
And missions left adrift
The The truth of a deep situation
Weighs heavy on a sobbing heart

Pity is a thing long past, hidden in fates design
Reliance, a divinity to those who hold not their own
Ludicrous ideals of youth, outlived their useful time
A burden of the greatest shame when hidden in the line

Perhaps to fail would be relief,
Though none can know for now
To strive for sheer perfection,
And fall unto the ground
A trickster in a sheep's soft skin,
A mind be when it's late
When comforts come too late
And tears they fall with no great haste

Mayhap it will all end with joy
Daresay as cleansing as the sea
Or maybe dishonor, disapproval is all hero meets

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