Two Faces | Teen Ink

Two Faces

June 3, 2009
By Marisa Kanai SILVER, Mission Viejo, California
Marisa Kanai SILVER, Mission Viejo, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You sit around and tease inside my head,
I always remember things that you have said,
My mind so heavy it feels to me like lead,
But I know you so well we might as well be wed.

You try my patience and scream and shout,
When you are depressed you’re so boring I can almost pout,
‘Til I’m as sapped as a land in drought,
That you do this often, though, there is no doubt.

Sometimes the line that separates you and me,
This façade; sometimes you make me into someone I don’t want to be,
And this becomes so thin, of me you occasionally see,
And the emotions I don’t feel pull me from envy to glee.

Parts of you are those of me, thus you sing, shop, swim,
I can make my own decisions it’s not as though I’m dim,
But all of you I designed on a whim.
Just please don’t make me kiss again, an embarrassment like him.

The difference between reality and fantasy is less than a blink,
Please tell me of an oasis from which to drink,
Of me and you, fact and fiction is a big link,
The unfolding of lies in your head occurs in a single wink.

I argue with you continuously, like an explosion in my mind,
I am a permanent presence engraved in your mind,
A surfacing world you may find in our mind,
An entwined being in the image of reality;
The Writer,

And the Character.

The author's comments:
It might be difficult to understand because the the odd line breaks from the computer...but one represents the writer, the other, the character

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