Stumbling | Teen Ink


May 27, 2009
By Jessica Galvez BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
Jessica Galvez BRONZE, Monroe, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stumbling over feet and speaking tongues;
Too much poison in the mind to think.
Random words escape his breathing lungs,
And empty glasses break as full ones clink.
He’s in a party of sufferers way too young
Because their mindset was, “Just one more drink.”
Intoxicated blood runs through his veins,
Out to fingers reaching for his keys--
“I’ve had enough to numb my stress and pains;
Quick, drive home; to bed before Mom sees.”
He swerves his Honda over lines and lanes;
He travels backwards over tracks of trains
‘Til sounds of metal smashing, meeting trees,
Bear one last liquored breath across the breeze.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for an assignment in history class--a poem about a current issue. So I chose drinking and driving, because that is one thing that I really feel strongly about. I hope people read this and realize how stupid it is to drink and drive--how stupid it is to put something into you on purpose that could later cause an accident.

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