Concealed Confliction | Teen Ink

Concealed Confliction

May 27, 2009
By Catherine O&#39Halloran SILVER, Woburn, Massachusetts
Catherine O&#39Halloran SILVER, Woburn, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Words could never describe the hate I have towards you.
My one and only enemy, the only person I can trust,
to hurt me the most. I want to cut out your intestines
and strangle you with them.

Pain and love, hidden deep beneath those eyes that I want
to tear out, because they give away our secret.
Your thoughts cause chaos in my mind,
shaking in my limbs, screaming in my soul.

I want to kill you
the way you've killed me.
You and I are one in the same,
body mind and spirit.

I hate you, I. I hate you for being me.

I want to suffocate you, the same way you stand on my chest,
so my whole torso aches with your presence.
I hate you, for what you didn't do,
for the love you have in all the wrong places.

Your ridicule is drowning me.
Your lies, I'm soaking them up,
filling my lungs, I feel my soul starting to fade
into your thoughts, believing your nonsense.

And here in all of your deception, I am you, I as me is gone.
I hate you, I,
for making me you.

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