perfect vs's not | Teen Ink

perfect vs's not

May 26, 2009
By latosha allen BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
latosha allen BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

looking into my eyes you see average , average as in height or average as in beauty and average as in knowledge but how will you know that there's more than average more in everything you see more in me more than the females you see walking by more than the models that are in the world each day so much more than the girls with attitude less than perfect but more than average i am just the girl that you never knew i am more than the average female that can change your world only if you told her she is more than the average girl

The author's comments:
this piece of poetry is deep and it represents girls that want to be more than average but not perfect they want to feel special inside someone who wants to be noticed

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