walking on stars through the night sky | Teen Ink

walking on stars through the night sky

May 26, 2009
By Colin Alsbro BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
Colin Alsbro BRONZE, Stevensville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I crept curiously as a wave
that rolls calmly on sandy shores
and when the sun had left my way
through hazel skies darkness did pour
although night brought despair and scars
the sky lit up glittered with stars

within the gloominess of the night
the stars created a granduer life
shimmering and sparkling they shined so bright
like eyes that twinke from the moonlight
so i flowed along watching the sky
mezmorized by stars passing by
they brought life to the world while in the dark
the stars that shined brightening the night

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