Breakfast Fit for a King | Teen Ink

Breakfast Fit for a King

May 28, 2009
By Amen Altaf BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Amen Altaf BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I pull the milk
Out of the fridge
And pour my
Lucky Charms
Into a plain
White bowl
I start to wonder
What does the
British Royal Family
Eat for breakfast?
Do they eat
Crumpets and crackers
Apple crumb cake?
Or tea with lemon
Strawberry milkshakes?
A tray of assortments
All neatly lined up?
And tea sets with
Tons of gold on the cups?
Diamonds on spoons
Emeralds on knives?
Potatoes all steamy
With pepper and chives
The toast is crisp
With rich, homemade butter?
A plate of fresh fruit
With their own personal cutter?

But I know I wouldn’t
Eat all that for breakfast
I’d stick to cereal
That’s on the top of my list
I’d eat Rice Crispies, Cheerios,
And more
Some chocolately concoctions
That would give my teeth sores
Some days, I get sick and tired
Of cereal and milk
So I switch it up
To eat mom’s pancakes
The batter smooth as silk
Some jelly and butter
Straight from the store
Syrup that would
Pour and pour
I’d eat with a fake silver
Spoon, knife, and fork
And imagine the prince
Devouring his pork

But as much as their
Breakfast is a luxury
At the least
I cannot forget my
Own delicious feast
So please don’t penalize
My milk, bowl, or crunch
Because I like it better
Than any royalty’s
Breakfast, dinner, or lunch.

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