Heart | Teen Ink


May 7, 2009
By Maggie Brink BRONZE, Edina, Minnesota
Maggie Brink BRONZE, Edina, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feel that burn inside your chest?
You’re almost done, there’s not much left
You see the jump, the block, the hit
Its coming down, and then you miss
Shake it off, the words you hear
But its not leaving, that is clear
The burn is blazing now inside
And then its time, it cannot hide
You scoop it up and smash it down
Your sweat and guts in compound
But what is it? Is that not clear?
It is you heart, its what they fear
A deadly weapon, yes its true
For it doesn’t need to look for you
It never stops, it has no fear
So beautiful, you’ll shed a tear
So feel that burn inside your chest?
Its fire now, still not much left
You see the jump, the block, the hit
Its spiraling down, but you don’t miss
You pass, she sets, the others waiting
The balls then down, their heart was fading

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