never forgotten | Teen Ink

never forgotten

May 26, 2009
By katie caldwell BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
katie caldwell BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You'll never be forgotten,
I swear to you babe
I'm so afraid,
I've gone hopeless
but I'll always hope for a forever,
with you..
A heaven so perfect
we'll create our own
always be alone
in our own beautiful world..
I hope one day as we grow older
our love will grow younger..
Babe I promise you my heart
and never will I forget
how perfect we felt.
No hand will fit perfectly in mine
like yours..
and no kiss will feel as perfect
as ours..
and no one will make me feel more in love
as me and you talked for hours
through day and into the night.
Nothing will ever feel so right
so meant to be
lost in something so beautiful
and deep..
I don't want to breathe this air
with out you..
It kills me how
you grow more and more
I'll never forget,
no morning is as perfect
waking up just knowing
your still alive..
But you'll always be alive
inside my heart
..I'll still feel your pulse
always feel your warm skin
as your blood rushes within.
I will never be able to embrace
a touch like yours..
I will never want
someone's touch more than
I yearn for yours babe..
I pray everyday
wishing I could be the save..
No eyes will make me so weak,
make me feel so complete,
so free, and completely safe.
Babe you are brave,
and so unbelievably strong.
You'll always be the love I longed for.
I'll hold you in my arms forever..
You'll never be forgotten,
I swear babe,..

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