Fugitive on the Frontline | Teen Ink

Fugitive on the Frontline

May 25, 2009
By Jocelyn Folger SILVER, Old Fort, North Carolina
Jocelyn Folger SILVER, Old Fort, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fugitive on the frontline
Do you know your mistake?
They label you a criminal
Do you know your name sake?

Where is the guilty party?
I know it can’t be me
Who framed you for what reason?
Look around, who do you see?

You are a lonely scapegoat
Because someone caught your eye
They decided you were evil then
And made up this whole lie

Fugitive on the front line
Do you know what you did?
You simply tried to live your life
And they stole your right to live

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