Reflections | Teen Ink


May 25, 2009
By Lauren Bongrager BRONZE, Wauseon, Ohio
Lauren Bongrager BRONZE, Wauseon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say you tell me who I am
Who I will be
And if i've got what it takes
Somewhere inside I get this feeling
I'm not perfect

(Chorus)But something steps in
I begin to feel that you don't define me.
You don't define me
You can't tell me who I am
Deep inside I have to learn to ignore the stories
You make in my mind
You make me less than what I should ever be

Destruction sets in
You've got me once again
My mind underneath your hold
Why can't I let go?
Somehow i'm not good enough
I don't measure up to that girl
When I look at you, I see shame
Beauty is invisible

(Chorus) But something steps in
I begin to feel that you don't define me.
You don't define me
You can't tell me who I am
Deep inside I have to learn to ignore the stories
You make in my mind
You make me less than what I should ever be

Why can't I be who I want to be?
Is it you thats always told me?
Something I want to be is something that I will never see.
Maybe I should be who I am
Trying to accept leaves me empty
Filling me with more doubt than before
I want so much to be happy
This is something I can't ignore

(Chorus)But something steps in
I begin to feel that you don't define me.
You don't define me
You can't tell me who I am
Deep inside I have to learn to ignore the stories
You make in my mind
You make me less than what I should ever be

The author's comments:
This lyric poem explains that when we all look in the mirror, we try to see perfection. Everything we want to see is absent once again. It is about trying to be happy but getting caught up in the pressures the world forces on people to be beautiful. It seems as though we can never measure up to the so called "expectations".

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