Unconditionally You | Teen Ink

Unconditionally You

May 22, 2009
By Liz Posdal SILVER, South Barrington, Illinois
Liz Posdal SILVER, South Barrington, Illinois
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

You’re failing every class
You’re so unbelievably brilliant.

You’re too laid back and you slack off 24/7.
You work so hard you barely have time to breathe.

Your sense of humor is shallow and juvenile.
You’re depth could give Shakespeare or Hemmingway a run for their money.

You laugh when I’m trying to be serious.
Your laugh is a symphony ringing in my ears.

You’re blunt and straightforward.
Your cryptic words have me wondering for hours.

There are so many things I wish I could ask you.
I know too much already.

You're limited, and you still have so much to learn.
Things come so easily to you, it seems like you could spin the world on your fingertip.

You open up to people easily.
You're too afraid to share even half of who you are with anyone.

You're the diligent, front row student.
You're the couldn't-care-less slacker.

You're the band geek.
You're the bad boy.

Your cold, indifferent glances tear me apart.
Your honest, welcoming smile makes me feel complete.

And I'm in love with you.
I love you.

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