Destruction | Teen Ink


May 22, 2009
By DementedDreamer BRONZE, Warren, Ohio
DementedDreamer BRONZE, Warren, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Swift hand deals with the final blow,
Swing not for today, but for tomorrow,
Destruction brings everything crashing down,
It appears we've been found.

The author's comments:
This piece of poetry is about the abusive life people all around the world have. I have grown up around lots of violence and I honestly hate it. I do what I can to stay away from the negitivity and bullying here in Warren, Ohio. But I wrote this poem expressing my feelings and what i see around me. I have seen people get jumped on the street, underage drinking everynight, and prostitutes walking on our street like there not doing any crime. I used very few sentences expressing my perspective. And I have been in many fights before myself but I hate fighting with a very strong passion. I am a lover, not a fighter, but I will protect my family and friends from other people of whom I dislike and that I personally think they should stay away from. So I just got fed up with it, and so I have been writing poetry and songs expressing my feelings and memories, and alot of fun times. ^^Amber^^

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