the giant of the forest | Teen Ink

the giant of the forest

May 22, 2009
By Anonymous

The giant of the forest

I rule the forest. Beautiful and ancient, five stories I stand tall. Skin tough as iron, weathered by the long seasons, arms grasp skyward an ever changing tapestry that lies just out of reach. No other is my equal. They can only stand and marvel enviously at me, the other trees. They aren't nearly as proud as I a giant. Crowns crumbling, they are already nodding off to sleep. Soon I will too. I hold my head high and my leaves blaze a fiery scarlet in defiance of the cold to come. I feel it creeping up my roots like a dark, dark shadow. Leaves swirl around me as the golden brown shades of autumn were whisked away to far off unknown places. One by one mine join alongside them, proud as ever of their brilliance setting flame to the bleak sky. Without them I can only dream of spring, a long dream through cold winter. My bare branches now grasp the clouds to greet the first floating snowflakes. This end is just the beginning of my long slumber.

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