I am | Teen Ink

I am

May 20, 2009
By DJ Wielhouwer BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
DJ Wielhouwer BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s extremely silent as I lay here flat in the filthy mud

I am still, soundless, breathless as I await my fate every second

I have no options but to wait, hope, and pray

Wait not knowing whether I will live to see another day
I feel so torn up knowing that the others had no chance to say their last goodbyes and never will again
And neither can I say goodbye to loved ones now, I can only think of them in my messed up mind

I’ve seen so much devastation here
Seen so much blood, wounds, torn limbs, and helpless suffering from some of my close friends
I just thank God that he hasn’t taken my life yet
Or do I?

I feel helpless, tormented, hungry, scared

Scared of the unknown like most people are in life

It’s been one week and four days

Living off worms, insects, and any type of jungle leaves I can find for water

All starts to taste the same after a while
The smells around me are horrendous, like dead rats in a dark moist alley, with each breath I contemplate puking, my head never stops pounding

Thick dense air; humid and hot

The bugs and mosquitoes around me nag at my flesh

Not sure how much longer can I live this nightmare?

I hear the cool crisp wind blow and sway the upper treetops of the vast jungle
Reminds me of back home when I used to sit on Grandfather’s porch swing and felt the cool crisp air hit me with not a care in the world
I’d give anything to be back home
But what does that matter now
I chose to defend my homeland and I’ll never give in to my adversaries
I Am… a US Marine, behind enemy lines

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