Moment | Teen Ink


May 20, 2009
By Molly FitzHarris BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Molly FitzHarris BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Exhausted, barely able to keep eyes open, many a yawn comes out
Still in pajamas at five o’clock pm,
Scarf wrapped around neck in attempt to warm up
Empty tea cup sitting to the side, just having been consumed,
It had been a warm rush into the belly providing temporary relief.
Neck, back, knees, head, stomach, everywhere, anything, all hurting
Desperate to crawl into a fetal position and sleep, to somehow take the pain away,
Hair is greasy, not having been washed for fear of slipping in the shower
Eyes are darker than before, sunken in a black hole
Face is pale, intensifying the image of a zombie.
Blemishes unhidden by makeup, eyes not lined, and cheeks not artificially blushed
Movements are slow to lessen the drop in blood pressure
Stomach is hurting, feels as though it has hands and is clawing away at itself.
Back is hunched over as typing proceeds,
it hurts and a hot compress is put on in attempt to help.

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