LibbIE LonnIE LESSter | Teen Ink

LibbIE LonnIE LESSter

May 8, 2009
By Jessica Johnson SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Jessica Johnson SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Connie Briar!”
“Yes mama…”
Fetching water from the well, a length of time away,
whistling, humming, bucket clanking, clinging at my skirts-
Half way there, the sun is hot,
Cool, water
Streaming down savoring corners,
Getting back- and out of boredom-
“MAMA MAMA!” I scream,
A girl I seen! –her name is Libbie-
Was rotting in the stream!”

-Town bands together (‘Who is Libbie?’) to the stream
no one is there. (-was she lying?)
“Connie Briar!”
“Yes mama…”
Fetching linen from the town, a length of time away,
Whistling, humming,
canteen clanking,
as my skirts are ripping-
I’m halfway there,
Sun is hot, I cannot help the dripping…
Shady shack, (I think she’s in there)
“Thank you for the linen”
In the yard, out of boredom,
“A girl I seen, her name Lonnie,
at the shop- I had got my things,
I turned farewell, before I left, Saw
her hung up by a string!”

-Town bands together (‘Who is Lonnie’) to the shack
no on is there. (-was she lying?)
“Connie Briar!”
-coughing- “Yes mama…”
Fetching help, a doctor, a length of time away,
Cannot sing,
raspy humming,
canteen clanking,
against linen skirts
the sun is hot, half-way there,
“Doctor Lesster?”
medicine, stick my tongue out. Feeling better, raspy scream.
Getting back, almost in the yard
-when with dismay-,
“MAMA MAMA” hoarse and shrill, I scream,
“The doctor that I seen! –his name is Lesster
helped my health, my throat improving,
but when leaving,
I felt him grasping! –pulled at skirts,
He drinking,
Started choking
Not Breathing!

Town revolts, (‘stupid Connie!!’) –‘don’t check Lesster,
He must be fine, and turn to me…
“But I inquire!” docter dead, they walk away, (from)
-when even as I told the truth they pointed at a liar.

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