'Friends' | Teen Ink


May 17, 2009
By ZoeBrian PLATINUM, Fairway, Kansas
ZoeBrian PLATINUM, Fairway, Kansas
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friends are supposed to be,
the light at the end of the tunnel,
But what happens when the light goes out,
and you can't find an exit.

Now life is a living Hell,
You swim in darkness and homework,
In stress and disease,
In peer presure and conformity.

When darkness is all you feel,
and drama is all you see,
how do you know a true friend,
from one who's just along for the ride?

If they say things that make you mad,
or don't even care when you cry,
then why do you stand by them,
through their own troubles?

Is it now just convienent?
Or are you sure that its true?
And if they leave you alone,
then let them go.

But when they come back crushed,
ask yourself,
Should you forgive them?
Will you forgive them?

would they forgive you.....

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