Written in Anger | Teen Ink

Written in Anger

May 17, 2009
By Chicklet0903 GOLD, Watertown, Wisconsin
Chicklet0903 GOLD, Watertown, Wisconsin
11 articles 21 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The funny thing about sacrifice is that sometimes, when you think you're losing something, you're actually just passing it on to someone else."

Dragged around with no choice,
Waiting for adulthood when I'll have a few.
Done nothing yet, and feeling the blow.
Wish I'd spoken my mind...
But I did!

The sun is cold like morning breath.
Familiar smells like Christmas.
People waiting because I'm going too slow.
Can't see I'm already here. My existence is shallow.

What's bad is good.
Our defining moments are sacrifices. Bright and colorful like branching out.
They smile to understand me back in the day. I'm true as blue, fresh as green. Is happiness turquoise?

Same spots for comfort because too much is changing.
Sad for others 'cause they won't be happy for what they've got. Regret ever receiving my share. It will belong in a box for my children. They will have the key.

Ten's a lot, two's too many.
Shave the head of my hero. How do you defend what is wrong?
I defend my innocence, set fire to accusations.
The memories are flammable.
They scream for rescue.

Soft but come up high!
Can't anything be perfect? Can't believe they didn't impress me after such high praise.
One and one makes two, despite the song.
You lied.

Accept your decisions, don't put them in my mouth.
The sight is inspirational, but what is the truth?
Long weekends are like spoiled meat; they have a weird tint.
Now it's awake at 3 A.M.

Thumb meets pointer and caresses all four.
This is what you want, trading hope for a lacking.
You punish the rest, and we are silent for you. The wind is hard.
But let's walk anyway.

Yes, my head's on straight, for you are sideways.
Blunt would be too easy, you see.
The metaphors are what you make them. My heart is with you, dear friend.
God forbid you understand.

The author's comments:
This is a pretty wacky piece that I wrote after an emotional fight with my mom. Most of the figures of speech are meant to be interpreted in a number of ways. However, "my hero" is my brother who is in the Airforce, and it is my pajama pants that are "soft but come up high". Just goes to show what anger can get you to write about.

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