9/11 Terrorist Attack | Teen Ink

9/11 Terrorist Attack

May 19, 2009
By Kendrick Bradley SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
Kendrick Bradley SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Never was there a day
Any more dark and gray,
Then when a fellow human being,
Sets out to harm so manys sense of wellbeing,
To deliberately take the life of thousands,
In a single irreversible moment in September 2001.

Everybody working like little ants,
The two towers tall plants,
Unsuspecting the slightest danger,
As the ominous sights grew even stranger,
The blue sky innocently shining down on the earth,
While humanity went about its tiresome mirth.

Quickly the seemingly normal day took a sharp turn,
As the first airplane headed towards the tower just waiting burn,
Crowds watched the huge horrific jet plane,
Fly into the unprepared city that was soon to be in vain,
Workers stopped working, daydreamers stopped their daydreaming routine,
And all turned their heads upward to watch the nightmare like scene.

Then came the crash, a brilliant flash,
There was a deafening explosion and tons of ash.
Silence, so silent it was almost impenetrable of noise,
Like death had just brought one of his horrid toys.
James watching from his window in the second unharmed tower,
As all of New York City shattered the silence in an uncontrollable nuclear power.

James sat aghast in his office chair,
While he saw the burning tower and people falling through the air.
All the screams, the smoke, the awe-struck people below,
Everything was way too much for his tiny ego,
What was this insane bomb blast?
How could this all happen so fast?

Slowly the smoke seeped into where James resides,
Darkening the air while choking everyone inside,
Just as easily as someone could smother a candle,
James knew he would find his unwanted fate if he didn’t get a handle,
So trapped like an animal in a cage, James fought his way out,
While loosing strength fast he could barely find a route.

Forcing himself to think of his beloved family and friends,
James, from the 51st floor sickly descends,
Then came the second plane, 10 stories above his head,
Shooting flames and almost leaving him dead.
All amongst the yells and pleas of help that haunt him to this day,
He continued on down scorched all the way.

At last to the bottom all sweaty and black,
Crawling to safety from the crazy attack.
The feeling of relief finally back in his head,
When out of the blue the tower started to shred,
Killing him instantly not even one noise he contained,
On that day that still no one can explain.

Never was there a day
Any more dark and gray,
Then when a fellow human being,
Sets out to harm so manys sense of wellbeing,
To deliberately take the life of thousands,
In a few single irreversible moments in September 2001.

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This article has 1 comment.

mr. go smack said...
on Mar. 18 2010 at 10:31 am
the poem was good i like how you use the details