Darkness | Teen Ink


May 18, 2009
By Elia Benitez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Elia Benitez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When will it stop?
Why can’t I see the light? I can’t find my way out.
My days pass with no light in them. Ah!
When will the light come back?
I’m blind in the dark.
I can’t do it anymore.
I need the light badly; it’s what keeps me alive.
I can’t fight the darkness, its waiting patiently to use
my weakness against me.
It’s much stronger than me, any second it can crush me
If I let my guard down without any compassion
Of what it can do to me.
Oh! How can I fight this?
To be much, much stronger, have the strength to get up
And destroy it with my own hands.
Replace it with the light that I miss so much.
Bring out the brightness, light up my path.
Return my life back!


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