Dover beach parady | Teen Ink

Dover beach parady

May 13, 2009
By Stephanie Goff SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
Stephanie Goff SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Beautiful vast ocean
I gaze upon you,
Every worry leaving my body
My soul, leaving
Sighs fill my head as I watch
Water break upon the rocky heaven
Foaming at the mouth
It wants, but never can have.
Your soft hand
Touches my open back
As the white sheet
Barely draping my body
Drips down and spills over
Onto the oak balcony
Blowing in the wind,
Pulling at me,
Telling me to go
I forget.

A candle lit night
So predictable
I laugh, but his gestures seem welcoming
I turn to him, looking him in the eye
But nothing is seen, it’s empty
I can’t see through
No feeling present
And emptiness

I glance at the stars glowing dimly
In the dark night
To see the once entirely full moon
Dissipate into the water
Sunken, broken upon the rocks
But healed by tomorrow
When we need the light.

Were unknowingly guided
Until our pathway
Splits, and were lost
Once again.
Were blindfolded
Spun around a thousand times
And pushed off that beautiful cliff
I gaze upon,
Catching our balance
As were falling,
Destined to hit the
Sharp rocks,
That have been calling our names
Since day one.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 20 2009 at 2:44 am
icguf615 BRONZE, Mission Viejo, California
4 articles 0 photos 35 comments
interesting. not sure i got all of it, but definitrly good laguage