Hindered | Teen Ink


May 14, 2009
By Tori Gatewood BRONZE, Bull Shoals, Arkansas
Tori Gatewood BRONZE, Bull Shoals, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On nights that hold such grandeur,
In the setting of the light,
Thoughts of terrifying purpose,
Seem to grow in might,
Love ceases to be present,
Hate forms with every cry,
Of the terrifying monsters,
That seem to fill the sky.

Hearts locked in battle,
A nerve ending war,
Each broken bruised and battered,
Yet still coming back for more,
Hateful glances confused for care,
Leave them begging for surrender,
But peace between the two,
Is always logic hindered.

Love and passion it would seem,
Will always have their way,
But this battle will continue,
Until they both do pay.

The light is their salvation,
And in it they find rest,
But each night they must return here,
And put themselves tot eh test.

And as these hearts are lightened,
Burden one by one,
They start to see the sunrise,
And know the battle’s won.

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