Where Butterflies Fly | Teen Ink

Where Butterflies Fly

May 13, 2009
By bookfreak13 SILVER, Owensboro, Kentucky
bookfreak13 SILVER, Owensboro, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You are flying from this place
While I am still in chase
Of where butterflies fly freely
And you escape like a fairy
You emerge graceful, glowingly
But all I can see
Seems to be not where you venture
For this is exclusively your adventure

Where butterflies fly high
Where we must now say good-bye
I’ll meet you later in life
A year not too full of strife
Yet what is my world without a sun
Or a moon, the stars, and endless run?
I’ll manage because I know
Soon I’ll join you and again speak, “Hello”

Soar-in the day and the night
This is for you a freedom flight
You are an eagle
While my form is not as regal
Yet I’ll fly higher than my kin
For I seek to touch our wings again
And the determined bird
Shall find their wishes heard

Seek-find the butterflies
I wish to know you rise
To new hopes, halls, and friends
Other hearts shall eventually mend
You need to flee from cocoons
But please save me the room
To fly beside you someday
In that wondrous meadow, so gay

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