Equations of Past and Present (With you, Dear.) | Teen Ink

Equations of Past and Present (With you, Dear.)

May 13, 2009
By Cassandra O&#39Dea BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
Cassandra O&#39Dea BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I used to wander all alone;
narrow vision, path unknown,
But now I stride with eyes wide open;
Lovin', Prayin', Wishin', and Hopin'.
I used to think that life was lame;
boring, predictable, just a game,
But now I rejoice in the spontanuity of things;
like that snowy cloud.. or that joyous ring~.
I used to care not about my fate;
unknowing, unworrisome, filled with hate,
But now I sing and dance and play;
knowing life was meant to be this way.
I used to have a dormant heart;
cold and withering, it lost it's spark,
But not this ticker is alive and well;
thumping eratically, almost under a spell.
I used to let my eyes close shut;
merely to ponder, watching scenes uncut,
But now.. my ways are still the same;
Though I live and think to the fullest, never in shame!
I know who I am! I know who I'll be!
I know why I've had those visions I've seen!
No longer my life is empty, no longer dull~!
With this feeling arising, there's no need to mull
Over the facts, the lies, the fibs and truths,
the maybies and questions; no time to sleuth.

I used to be blind,
But now I can see.
The colors, the rainbow, the edge of the sea...
But most of all.. that you're here.. with me..

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