Lust/Love | Teen Ink


May 13, 2009
By CRAChristopherFTY PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
CRAChristopherFTY PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Lust into love, like a demon fallen from above.
No angels surrounding me, taking away my peace and sanity,
Leaving a deep scar in these long lasting memories.

Trying hard to forget that horrid day we met,
Left unsure of what to do,
Hesitating to take the next step.
The attraction was strong,
but our love was in the wrong.
Love into lust,
Could she maintain this loyalty and trust?

The sex was rushed as I fell deeper in my emotions,
Me and you were just going through the motions,
Slowly but surely, you gave me your devotion,

And little did we know, our future had just begun.

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