Paint | Teen Ink


May 13, 2009
By Zakk Woodbury BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Zakk Woodbury BRONZE, Pleasant Grove, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'd never paint my windows, where there's nowhere left to see.
I'd never paint my front door, where there's nowhere left to be.
I'd never paint my fingers, the touch right now just seems too real.
I'd never paint my eyes shut, or paint my mouth over with steel.

I would never paint the sun outside so the flowers grow in cold.
I'd never paint the thoughts inside, I'll never leave it all untold.
I'd never paint the way you look, I would never paint your hair.
I'd never paint the way you are, or leave you thinking in despair.

I'd never paint the life I have, I'll never paint all over yours.
I'd never paint all the clouds above, I'll never paint all on the floors.
I'd never wait till you turn around, and than paint on you with black.
Then give you back your golden crown, and say I love you back

Some people paint the night time, some people paint the day.
Some people watch the sunrise, some people watch it fade away.
Some people paint them selves both with a drink and a cigar.
But if I were to paint on you, I'd paint you just the way you are.

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