Vase of Life | Teen Ink

Vase of Life

May 8, 2009
By BalletShinigami GOLD, Roanoke, Texas
BalletShinigami GOLD, Roanoke, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Flowers and water fill this clay creature
With designs of floral print and dancing skies
You see this structure is not just a structure
It releases energy that contains the soul and flowing water of the fountain of youth
Colors of rainbow, colors of life, colors of darkness, colors of past and present
Printed on this hardened, hollow, carved object shows and tells a story
Blue and white, black and white, red and green, things can come true
Memories, such as weddings and Mothers day
Fun time, such as jumbo pencils and science fair projects
Last object alive, the center of your world and of the table
This clay vase holds all that needs to be held
And revives those times that need to be revived
And up rises the spirit of nature and all humanity

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