Don't Worry, I've Been There | Teen Ink

Don't Worry, I've Been There

May 8, 2009
By Anonymous

When you fall or slip
Don't worry
I'll help, not laugh
Because I've been there
When you're being bullied or having a no-self-confidence day
Don't worry
I'll give advice
Because I've been there
When you can't stop talking
Because you're having an exciting moment in life
Don't worry
I won't be annoyed or ignore you
I'll listen and care
Because I've been there
When you have no clue what's going on
Because you were thinking about your future
And how you would like to picture yourself growing up
Don't worry
I'll explain to you where you should be
Because I've been there
When you feel like you've worked too far and not gotten enough back
Don't worry
I'll be there cheering you on
Because I've been there
When you want time all by yourself
Don't worry
I'll understand
I won't be mad
Because I've been there
When you're feeling like you need to cry
Whether it's for the people who've lost their lives
Or the ones out there being unfairly mistreated
Or even for yourself
Don't worry
I'll cry with you
Because I've been there
When you feel like you have no friends
Don't worry
You're not alone
I'll be your friend
Because I've been there

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