I belong | Teen Ink

I belong

May 8, 2009
By Erika DeWard BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
Erika DeWard BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everywhere I go, I hear the sounds of the ocean.
The sounds ring in my head and run through my ears
I smile with cheer as I hear their pretty songs
And wish for the day to come
When I can come home.

I have fears of leaving the place I was raised,
But I know my heart belongs beneath the surface of the seas.
I have friends that I love and wouldn’t want me to leave,
But I know my heart belongs where the pretty songs breeze.

I belong on the beaches where the surfers are raised,
Where the sand crabs crawl beneath the soft warm sand,
Where it’s never below 50 and will always be home.
I belong in the water where the great whites roam.

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