My Thoughts Exactly. | Teen Ink

My Thoughts Exactly.

May 7, 2009
By lexie van zant BRONZE, East Northport, New York
lexie van zant BRONZE, East Northport, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting on the couch, my still phone in hand
Listening to 2004’s favorite band.
All wet- walked home a few blocks in the pouring rain,
My foot radiates from that unchecked shooting pain.
Got back late from school- I had track, work, then a frozen dinner,
No home-cooked meals, only fresh paint thinner.
Only welcomed voice heard in the past hours has been the sound of my pen.
Solemn caged in a garage-turned den
Shirts too big, pants too small,
If anyone noticed… I’ve gotten pretty tall.
Need to change the song, guitar started sighing.
This one reminds me of life- and I don’t really feel like crying.
Unanswered texts about tomorrow night’s plans,
All we need is less of the Klu Klux Klans
Sleep is calling, dreams kind of feel like dying.
-Not negatively though, more like a heaven on earth…
Cause acceptance is vital, it’d give us a sort of new birth.
Disagreement is the hard to control and overbearing father of learning,
Acceptance, the “helpless” but truly lazy mother that leaves us yearning.
Yearning, yearning…
For the next day… but who’s to say if it will even be?
Only wanting, we will get more, but never enough… they’ll never genuinely see.
People are disintegrating around us, mentally and physically…
Can God come down and save us please?
My brain is imploding with the pressure of hate, and all that I can do is sneeze.
Can anyone please save us… please?

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