the name is hidden to protect the innocent | Teen Ink

the name is hidden to protect the innocent

May 7, 2009
By Anonymous

There was once a girl

Who was in her own world
“I’m the dictator of the table”, she said
Surely, she’d lost her head
First, she started small
To our table in language arts, she said “I’m in charge of you all!”
Slowly she was working her way
To that dreamed of day
When she’d be in charge of everyone
I don’t know if I want the world to be run by her
She’s destined to be a leader or crazy for sure
Her converse one-stars are navy blue
They are her signature shoe
They’ll be known across the world one day
From sea to sea, from every mountain and every bay
She’ll never listen or take orders from you
On the contrary, she’ll tell you what to do

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