Mortality’s Measure | Teen Ink

Mortality’s Measure

May 6, 2009
By Rebekka Lancucki BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
Rebekka Lancucki BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You start as a small, innocent child
Without a single care in the world.
You experience new things; nothing gets you riled.
Life is simple; you don’t think it will become unfurled.

As you mature, unexpected problems arise.
You enter relationships that mangle your heart,
Assumed allies pull you into their spider web lies,
And the tragedy of death makes you realize everyone parts.

Time passes; your skin wrinkles and becomes translucent.
Moving in general becomes a tedious task.
You view life as a horrible nuisance
Until death overshadows it like a mask.

A happier, painless world awaits,
Stretching on for eternity behind heaven’s gates.

The author's comments:
we read "Romeo and Juliet" in my english class and were required to write a Shakespearean sonnet so...there it is hope you like it

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 14 2009 at 11:00 pm
IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep writing!!!!! Loved Impact too! =D