Asian Stereotypes | Teen Ink

Asian Stereotypes

June 4, 2019
By chrischao123 BRONZE, Albertson, New York
chrischao123 BRONZE, Albertson, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know what you are about to think

This is America why is there a tsunami of chinks?

And what’s with their eyes, can they even blink?

Well we’ve had to respond to those comments many times

Once I talk, they begin to mime

It’s how we speak, this voice is mine

Now this is where we draw the line

Long Island is an Asian’s dream come true

With tons of math and science to do

But when traveling a couple of miles to the city

They’ll ask me what my occupation will be

I’ll then reply, “ a doctor, I want an MD”

Then they say, “I guess you don’t want to dishonor your family”

We’ve taken this abuse for far too long

The voices keep asking, “are you from Hong Kong?”

When will they stop to be politically correct

They always look at us like we have some defect

As if whites and Asians cannot connect

Sometimes I just want to go out and dine

But when I do, I hear the same old line

What’s that? Are you eating Canine?

Stereotypes, racial profiling, whatever you call it

Should never be used, yet people still fall for it

Never taking some extra time to consider

That we are individuals too, we’re not litter

I have a face and I have a name

But you all still think we look the same

So we’ll never be given a chance for fame

Since society views us all as nerds who are lame

Yes I am passionate about gaining knowledge

And yes I want to go to a fantastic college

But I still have hobbies of my own

Like playing basketball when I’m in the zone

There goes the saying about sticks and stones

And that only they may break my bones

But I am more than just a bunch bones

I am a human… with a different skin tone

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