Throw | Teen Ink


May 6, 2009
By crazychick78 PLATINUM, Streetsboro, Ohio
crazychick78 PLATINUM, Streetsboro, Ohio
34 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"30 years from now, it won't matter what shoes you wore, how your hair looked, or the jeans you bought. What will matter is what you learned and how you used it."

We throw, pitch, dump and dispose of
Things we don’t need
Things are unfixable

What don’t we need?
Stress caused by life
Hatred caused by differences
Tears caused by the past
Confusion caused by decisions
What is broken?
Hearts caused by past loved ones
Families caused by selfish choices
Agreements caused by lies
What is garbage?
War, caused by imperfections
Humiliation, we aren’t perfect
Lies caused by dishonesty
No matter where you’re from
Or what your name is
We are all created equal.

Everyone has gone through this garbage
And I’m sure more than once
The key now is to stop.
To stop it all
Just takes one moment
To change directions
Doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or what your name is
You are the chosen one.

If you are waiting for your cordial invitation
This is it.
Actions are what will do the job.
Words won’t add up.

Why can’t we throw away
Stressed and hatred
Tears and confusion
Broken hearts and families
Agreements and war
Humiliation and lies

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