To My Girl | Teen Ink

To My Girl

May 1, 2009
By snaaapangela SILVER, Park Ridge, Illinois
snaaapangela SILVER, Park Ridge, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

How I wish you could learn to listen. Listen carefully.
There are voices in your head bring manipulated and encouraged to make you believe the falsified love your heart believes you feel.
But listen carefully.
His control over your every step, thought and breath was finally finalized when you listened to the words.
You woke up in a world of who's, what's and when's and you endured the emotional *** later, rather than then.
When you woke up, you were listening.
There are times when you have very good listening.
You learned to listen to your gut. You know, that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Determining each decision you've made, sometimes eating you alive from the inside out. It's not always what you'd expect to feel, and not always what your heart believes is true. But you learned to listen and you listened carefully.
So now what happened?
Listen to this.
Listen to me.
You sure as hell know right from wrong, left from right and black vs. white. Stop playing in the shady gray and get your act together!
What are you doing, and more importantly, why?
Constant cussing coming from your mouth in response to his never ending "love."
Don't play games girl.
Just open your ears and listen.
Listen to the words coming out of his mouth.
Listen to the late night conversations hidden under the blankets of your past.
Your past has passed. This relationship cannot work anymore my dear. I need you to remember all the times I've listened to you. I listened to his reason for existence, listening carefully from the outside of that sick cycle. I have listened to my girl, in pain through this heartbreak over and over again.
I've done my fair share of listening to the problems that arose for the past two years.
And this is me.
Giving you my ears, my tools that have led me to my decision about this- about you, about him, about the fact that there's no way this can work.

And what will you do with them?
I hope and pray that you will listen.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for my best friend after two years of listening to the problems she'd been having with her boyfriend for the last two years. Luckily, I knocked some sense into her and she finally ended it for good. (:

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