My Morning | Teen Ink

My Morning

April 30, 2009
By annablue04horses GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
annablue04horses GOLD, Londonderry, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Early dawn with very little light
Wakes me up softly from my bed.
Quietly getting out of my pajamas and into my jeans and tee-shirt
For my early morning routine.
I go downstairs like a mouse without a squeak
To have my breakfast and to walk my dog.
Joyfully going to and coming from outside
She rushes to her crate and falls asleep very quickly.
My real routine is running right next to me
As rush to my small barn with two horses to care for.
Whinnying in joy to see me and care for them
I slip their feeds into their buckets with water in the others.
While eating I rush to get my saddle and bridle
For my long ride with the gelding then another one with the mare.
Tacking up the gelding with a stomp of impatience comes from him
As the mare is still gleefully chomping up her food.
Leading the gelding into the crusty morning air
I mount him with excitement and control.
Gaiting him to go for a trot around the property
I look up to see if anyone else is around though they were asleep.
The mud of the path sprayed my boots and his legs
With the green pasture right next to is gleaming with laughter.
A few rounds of canters and gallops lasted an hour
Until the thundering mare stopped our ride.
As I un-tacked the gelding with the mare quieting down
I felt laughter overflow my body very quickly.
Someone was tickling me and I was laughing hard
I opened my eyes to see that I was not in the barn but in my bed.
The watery sun filled my bedroom with someone next to me
Tickling me was my dad so I would slip out of my bed.
Tensing again with anger, embarrassment, and sadness
I felt too uncomfortable to get out of bed,
That it was a dream not reality.

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