Alone | Teen Ink


May 1, 2019
By cjmanuel BRONZE, Cerritos, California
cjmanuel BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He’s always around, thinking that he needs to.

He watches with eyes of a starved predator;

full of concentration and burning desire.

Constantly calling; pretending to be at home.

He must think that he should be admired for

being the man who made sure I never leave.

Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight

I'll just use my covers to stay warm tonight

When we met, I believed he was my Prince Charming.

How kind he was with the hours he spent to arrange me flowers.

Thought I fell for his lovely smile; fell for his trap instead.

I suffocated in his chest as he swore to make me stay.

He advised me to keep him happy so he wouldn’t snap.

I was blamed when I did no wrong. I became so withdrawn.

My body was his as he claimed, but my heart or mind wasn’t.

I wasn’t the same with the thoughts that lingered my head.

Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight

I'll just use my covers to stay warm tonight

As he entered the bedroom expecting me to say yes,

I planned it to be the night where I declined.

A statement I needed him to hear and recognize.

A statement I knew he would fight and reject.

A statement I wouldn’t want him to forget.

It would be the last words he would hear after all.

Really don’t wanna be in your arms tonight

I'll just use my covers to stay warm tonight



Refrain from “NASA” a song by Ariana Grande

The author's comments:

Despite her short stature, Jaela M. takes on new heights when traveling. She documents her journeys through the eyes of her camera which she always carries. When she’s not out of town, Jaela goes on international adventures through the cultural tastes of local restaurants.

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