She Talked...I Didn't Listen | Teen Ink

She Talked...I Didn't Listen

April 29, 2009
By Denaye Hudson BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Denaye Hudson BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She told me the things you said
She told me the things you did
She told me the pain you caused
But back then I didn't care about the flaws

She told me not to listen to the things you said
She told me not to care what you did
She told me to be careful so I won't get hurt
But back then I was only looking at the perks

So when I finally told her about us
She was upset
She couldn't understand why...
She told me everything that would happen
But i didn't listen

So when all that pain came my way
I was the only person to blame
And now i'm thinkin
I should have been listening

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