sirens | Teen Ink


April 29, 2009
By Joseph Mays BRONZE, Burke, Virginia
Joseph Mays BRONZE, Burke, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Police sirens like pop music invading my ears
the lights bright like glinting daggers
blinding, numbing overstimulation
flashing rushing through my mind
They sting my eyes, I can’t shut them out
not allowed to turn away
to stop my bleeding vision
let my lids fall like blankets
that soothe my throbbing head.
Like I’m watching it on screen
a predictable plot, and I can guess the end.
It’s all in slow motion but I want it to go fast.
to be over.
Faces drive by, staring from tinted windows.
It seems like days pass
without sunlight, only dark
Dark that shivers from my fingertips
up my spine and through my soul to wrack my brain
Dark that’s colored blue and crimson
like bruises I’m sure will come.
Calm for a moment, then ice-cold steel
claps up my wrists, wrenches them back
cutting like a dull blade.
The tremors intensify, I’m crammed into a box
forced to watch as the predator is let off his leash
taking his sweet time gutting my life, like
a fresh-caught fish gasping for air.

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