Countless Me Time | Teen Ink

Countless Me Time

April 30, 2009
By Nam Nguyen BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
Nam Nguyen BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I spent 40,056 hours trying to figure out who I Am
I spent 2,403,360 minutes wondering why life is so difficult
This time I realized everything is not my fault
I found myself laying on my bed thinking about what’s going to happen tomorrow
The countless hours pondering about the ways to improve life
The many times I found myself smiling at my friends
The many times I found myself telling them I'm with them till the end
The countless times I spent showing affection and care
The countless times I spent making fun of Nick’s chest hair
I found myself walking down the sidewalk thinking where am I walking too?
The countless hours pondering on how I can get healthy
The many times I spent thinking about how to get wealthy
The many times I found myself angry because I couldn’t finish my homework
The countless times I thought about how long I took
The countless times I sat down listening to Duonn singing his hooks
I found myself sitting on my porch staring at cars go by
The countless hours hearing my friend say he wanted to be a bird
The many times he pointed at the sky
The many times of me hoping one day he will spread his wings and fly
The countless times my friend tried to get nailed
The countless times he hopelessly failed
I found myself punching the wall
The countless hours poking at my scab
The many times I cried from laughter
The many times I didn’t know who I was after
The countless times I’ve visited hell
The countless times I heard “o well”
I found myself acting like a complete jerk
The countless hours I spent trying to act tough
The many times I receive a punch to the face
The many times I thought about Jackson being Chris Brown beating up Grace
The countless times I fell this year on ice
The countless times my behind didn’t felt nice
I found myself unconscious blabbing about your girlfriend
The countless hours I talked about her rear end
The many times she jumped up cause of a bug
The many times I had to comfort her with a hug
The countless times I thought about how Lucky I am to met her
The countless times I miss holding her
I spent 40,056 hours trying to figure out who I Am
I spent 2,403,360 minutes wondering why life is so difficult
This time I realized everything is not my fault
I found myself thinking I regret nothing, and I'm still young
I got all the time in the world

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 9 2009 at 1:33 am
Monduonn Tran BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
this is awesome !