Calhoun County Trailway Alliance | Teen Ink

Calhoun County Trailway Alliance

April 25, 2019
By MikaylaBrown2092001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
MikaylaBrown2092001 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you Believe in Battle Creek if I told you,

five minutes from downtown Battle Creek there’s a nature trail

The Ott Preserve Trail

With an estimated use of 30,000 times a year

To ride bikes,

Walk around,

Enjoy nature

And get away from busy city life.

Would you Believe in Battle Creek if you heard,

Calhoun County Trailway Alliance,

A non-profit organization

Raising funds for the Calhoun County Govt.

To make sure that the nature pathways stay cared for and preserved,

For years of more usage of the trails.

Birds chirping,

Squirrels Running.

Beautiful green trees.

Because of the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance

Our pathways will always stay clean.

Would you believe in Battle Creek if I mentioned,

the Trailway Alliance has a goal

To connect every nature trail/pathway in Michigan

Connecting two major nature paths,

Jackson Falling Water Trail and Kalamazoo River Valley Trail

A major goal of the Trailway Alliance

Which would make Calhoun County, the heart of all nature trails

With the help of the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance

Raising funds to preserve the trails

Our nature trails will stay clean,

like the Ott Preserve,

That will stay open for years on.

Calhoun County Trailway Alliance

One non-profit organization

Making Battle Creek a better place.

The author's comments:

This poem is about Battle Creeks non-profit, Calhoun County Trailway Alliance. 

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