Blue Balloon | Teen Ink

Blue Balloon

April 28, 2009
By Julie Leveque BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Julie Leveque BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I boldly look up into the summer sky
I see a single blue balloon slowly drift on by
I wish that I could take such flight
Another day here is just another fight
People screaming, forcing their ways
Upon the others who just act like slaves
I begin to wonder if there will ever be peace
If the constant fighting will one day cease
It’s hard to imagine a world living in bliss
Where true love could be shown with just one kiss
No more material things defining who we are
And there would be no hatred, crime, or war
A place where we could be ourselves and act our way
Without society telling us what to do or say
I believe that such a perfect world can come to life
If we all breathe in harmony and breathe out strife
My eyes finally grow weary from watching the balloon
Hoping, wishing, praying, it would visit our world soon.

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