Definitely Stressin' | Teen Ink

Definitely Stressin'

April 28, 2009
By Anonymous

The pretty girl with tears in her eyes
the beautiful girl that's scarred by his lies
"Live fast, love stronger" and she did just this
but along the way was bruised and broken from all that she missed
She was the stronger girl, but finall falls to he knees
the trusted one who has no idea what to believe
"Better speed up, or get blown over" the fast girl does as she's told
Only to break down halfway up the winding road
This healthy girl who is truly missing the most
finds it in a bottle ; the common over dose
The sick girl's love who we will never replace
will no longer, in the hallway, be a common face
"Time's wasting so how much longer?" the depressed girl thinks just this
only to answer the question with too much emphasis on her wrists
The girl who said she would never cry
well, "the rain is falling from the sky"
And the girl who thought she lost it all
has learned from everyone else's fall
In her mind she knows she's not ready to die
"With no fear in her eyes, she's ready to fly."

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